Bunnies Field


The Bunnies Field has 1 base for each map side and 4 lanes that are made for a special hero position. It should be known that every hero has a recommended lane based on their skills.


There is only one place in the Bunnies Field where a character (hero) can spawn and heal to get ready for the fight. Also, the team whose base get destroyed, lose the game. Protect it at all costs!


This is a special lane made for the carry and support, the purpose of the players in this lane is to collect the objective for the team and destroy the outer tower in order to reach the enemy base and victory.


The Middle Lane is specially made for mages, the players here need to have a global vision on the field to rotate to the other close lines and help them. The faster you gank, more possibilities your team has to win!


In this lane there is no significant purpose, is specially made for fighters. Players must stay alone in the lane, waiting to get support from the team and destroy the enemy outer tower to reach the base.


It is a recommended lane for assassins. Around this jungle lives monsters that need a lot of damage to be killed. Clear the jungle quickly to earn money and level up, then kill the enemy with edged weapons!

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